Endwall UNICO 5 m with narrow door, Dark Green

Número do produto SP18285321139

This end wall will only fit Dancover marquees where the roof cover has Velcro for mounting the end walls. NB! Dancover cannot guarantee the end wall will fit marquees from other suppliers.

End wall for Dancover marquees. If your old end wall for some reason or the other needs to be replaced you can order a new one here. One of the many advantages of buying a Dancover marquee is that you can always buy spare parts. This end wall will fit the marquees where the roof cover has Velcro for mounting. This end wall has like all Dancover marquees a built-in ripstop-function to prevent tearing.

You are always welcome to call Customer Service at Dancover if you need help.

NB!Dancover cannot guarantee the end wall will fit marquees from other suppliers.